Title: Buying VIX at Range Lows
Strategy Description: As the VIX hits extremely low levels and cannot move lower it presents a nice floor to trade UVXY against. As of this current market environment this level is 12, and while I can't imagine it going lower it could, but the point is that the VIX itself is asymmetrically skewed at this level.
Remember that can only pay attention to the intraday UVXY chart and pay a tiny bit of attention to recent levels.
As the VIX enters the buy zone (and trending down) look for buy opportunities. The general jist at this stage is to buy new lows and sell pops quite small with a wide stop-loss; slowly adding to position. As it changes trend add quite aggressively to position because risk is better defined now and should hopefully have some profit locked in from the counter trend trading.
It is important to hold some of the position, as it move sin your favour, for as long as possible because of the skew, say 1/4.
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