Friday, 30 October 2015

Trading Review: 10-29-2015

Main Account: -$641.

Back Account: -$53. Traded APDN really well overall. Was a fraud hit piece out and was getting long into washes and taking profits quickly and then looking to get long size once trend established. Unfortunately took two stops on size which brought me back down to break-even. If there was mistakes it was going into size all at once, rather than scaling... But I did a good job of waiting and being patient so I'm not too worried.

On my main account it was just the mistakes which are becoming to usual. This one was somewhat less stubborn, but still the same..
(1) Stubborn.
(2) Chasing price on open.
Those two mistakes lead to being uncomfortable with any reasonable stop placement.

Thing is that eventually my plan worked on STRP and my washout buy zone ($30) had a nice $4 bounce off it.

Goal for the next week is to place a stop-loss before EVERY trade.

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